Picture Perfect Skin Program FAQs
The good news it is. The process you go through is the exact same process I used with Sarah. The only difference is it’s not face to face which makes it more affordable for you.
The process is…
Step one – test your hormones and review your acne situation.
Step two - analyse your test results and pinpoint your hormone imbalances.
Step three - create your supplement plan.
Step four – start on your supplement program.
Step five - regularly review your progress and adjust your program as required.
If you get a regular roughly monthly period the day you do your test is on a day between days 19 – 22 of your cycle, where day 1 is the first day of your period.
If you don’t get a regular period then do the test the day after you receive your test kit.
You can but we don’t recommend it because the supplements we recommend are the ones we have used with hundreds of acne patients and we know we get results with them. If you use another brand we can’t be confident you’ll get the same result.
The other issue with using a different brand is we don’t know its quality. Our supplements are guaranteed to contain the exact ingredients and at the dosages listed on their label.
Studies by numerous universities have discovered that up to 60% of the retail supplement analysed didn’t contain the listed ingredients, or the listed dosage. And some even contained unlisted pharmaceutical compounds.
This should only happen if your acne was worsening already. Even once you start on the supplements it can take a little time to reverse the out of control hormone imbalances.
We don’t expect your acne to get worse from taking the supplements before it gets better. The most typical response is you don’t notice any change initially and then as the supplements begin to change your hormone levels you notice your acne start to improve.
If your acne gets worse after starting the supplements, it’s most likely you’ve reacted to one of your supplements. See “My acne has gotten worse since starting the supplements” question for what to do.
We don’t expect your to purge before it gets better. The most typical response is you don’t notice any change initially and then as the supplements begin to change your hormone levels you notice your acne start to improve.
If your acne gets worse after starting the supplements, it’s most likely you’ve reacted to one of your supplements. See “My acne has gotten worse since starting the supplements” question for what to do.
We don’t expect your acne to get worse before it gets better but occasionally it can happen. If the worsening is minimal then continue with your supplement plan unchanged until a week after you get your next period (or for a month if you don’t get a period). If your acne doesn’t improve then stop your supplements for 5 days. Then restart your supplements but one at a time. Choose one to start with and take it for 3 days. If your skin gets worse them stop it, wait 3 days and then start on the second supplement. And follow the same process until you have retried all the supplements. Stop any that seem to make your acne worse.
If your acne has gotten considerably worse then stop your supplements for 5 days. Then restart your supplements but one at a time. Choose one to start with and take it for 3 days. If your skin gets worse them stop it, wait 3 days and then start on the second supplement. And follow the same process until you have retried all the supplements. Stop any that seem to make your acne worse.
I’ve found from helping hundreds of young women clear their acne you need to take herbs and supplements for a minimum of 12 to 18 months.
The reason for this is while your acne will usually clear up well before this time you need to continue with the herbs and supplements long enough to establish a new hormonal rhythm.
That is to create a new ‘normal’.
What I mean by this is when you start on herbs and supplements it changes your hormone levels. But only while you’re taking them.
If you stop them your hormone levels go back to what they were.
So, you need to take herbs and supplements long enough to reset your hormone levels permanently.
Remember, your hormones follow a monthly cycle so 12 to 18 months is only 12 to 18 periods.
That’s not that many.
Eating healthily and being healthy shouldn’t mean you can’t ever eat anything unhealthy.
Whether you can occasionally eat dairy, gluten or sugar will depend on your sensitivity to these foods.
If you breakout every time you eat gluten, dairy or junk food then you need to stay away from them diligently.
However, if you don’t breakout when you eat them in small amounts or on the odd occasion, then you can treat yourself from time to time. The secret is to have them only occasionally.
But even if you are someone who is very sensitive, if you work diligently on your gut, liver and digestive health then you should build some tolerance so you can have the occasional ‘cheat’ meal.