Makes You Think Slim… Eat Slim… Be Slim!

Getting your mindset right and your eating right is one of the great challenges of losing weight. As I’m sure you’re only too aware, what you’re thinking about and how you feel at any particular moment determines what you eat.

If you’re happy you eat a certain way. When you’re sad you eat a certain way. When you’re stressed or anxious you eat a certain way. And when you’re mad you eat a certain way.

Unfortunately, the foods you choose when you’re in these different emotional states aren’t always the ones you’re meant to eat if you want to burn fat.

72soul / 123RF Stock Photo41533495 - woman choosing between fruits and cakes in the kitchen48507384 - fast food and unhealthy eating concept - close up of hamburger or cheeseburger, deep-fried squid rings, french fries, pizza and ketchup on wooden table top view

How often have you gone along really well with your weight loss and then something happens that changes your emotional state and causes you to self-sabotage by triggering a binge on chocolate, cheese, wine or something else unhealthy?

Too often right?

The curious thing is people who don’t have weight problems don’t do these sorts of things. They choose the right thing to eat no matter how they feel. And they know when to stop.

They may still emotionally eat but instead of going for chocolate, sweets, cookies or wine they go for a piece of fruit or a drink of water. Or if they do decide they’re going to treat themselves they can keep it to a small portion.

The key then to successful weight loss and long term maintenance is to master the ability to keep yourself in a positive emotional state as much as possible, be able to choose the right foods to eat in all emotional states and not to binge when you do treat yourself.

Keeping yourself feeling positive and motivated theoretically should be easy. Focus on the good things you want and the good things you do and you should be happy. However, lots of stuff happens in your childhood and throughout your life which causes you to focus too much on the negatives.

You can change this though!


As I’ve revealed in previous articles there are special hypnotherapy techniques that can clear the childhood conditionings, emotional pains and past memories that affect your emotional state and motivation. Erasing these gets you believing in yourself. It gets you loving yourself. And so it stops your self-sabotaging.

But because there will occasionally be times when you feel down or upset, what you choose to eat at these times is what’s going to determine whether your weight loss will be a success. Therefore, one of the most powerful things you can ever do to positively impact your weight loss successful is to change how you respond to food when your mood changes.

If you change your unconscious mind so you choose apples over chocolate, berries over biscuits and water over wine then you’re going to change your figure. The secret however lays in knowing how to be able to do this.

Consciously it’s more or less impossible. It puts you in a battle with yourself over wanting to eat something but knowing you shouldn’t

But with hypnotherapy you can free yourself from the internal struggle.

That’s because hypnotherapy reprograms how you think. It makes you think apple not chocolate. You think water not wine. No struggle. No internal debate.

Now once you’ve got the emotional struggles sorted out what do you do about the times when you consciously want to treat yourself with your favourite foods but not over do it?

It can be easy to overindulge on your favourite foods once you start because these foods give you lots of pleasure. But when you eat too much, and you’ve known it, it leaves you feeling uncomfortable and guilty. You lose all the pleasure you should have gotten from your treat.

What would be ideal is when you eat you feel full quickly so you can’t possibly overeat.

Mainstream medicine tries to fix this problem with Lap-Bands, Gastric Bypasses and Gastric Sleeves. But they are pretty drastic, invasive and usually permanent solutions. However, it’s possible with hypnotherapy to give you a ‘Hypnotic’ or ‘Virtual’ Lap-Band.

You get all the benefits of a Lap-Band (feeling fuller faster and only able to eat small portions) but without the surgery or possible complications. And so it’s a fantastic unconscious way to control your eating.

Now the Good News is I’ve  perfected a program that solves these 3 dilemmas for you.

I have designed a very specific hypnotherapy process that eliminates the emotional triggers, wrong food choices, binges and over-eating that bring you undone and sabotage your weight loss efforts.

My new process is called…

‘Think Slim… Eat Slim… Be Slim’

And because not everyone has all the same issues I’ve designed ‘Think Slim… Eat Slim… Be Slim’ so it’s not a one size fits all program.

You have 3 options to choose from depending on your situation. Please let me explain…

Option 1.
Basic Think Slim Eat Slim Be Slim Program

This option and is for you if your issues aren’t too complicated. You might just need to get control over your ‘food weaknesses’ such as chocolate, cheese, wine etc and stop yourself going on the occasional binge.

Basic also improves your ‘weight loss discipline’ such as eating smaller portion sizes, drinking more water, exercising regularly, getting meals prepared beforehand, feeling more motivated and improving your self-belief.

The Basic Think Slim Eat Slim Be Slim Program works to provide the following benefits:

  • Portion control
  • Break cravings for high calorie fattening foodswoman-pants-now-too-big
  • Feel satisfied for longer
  • Reduced snacking
  • Eliminate emotional eating
  • Do away with boredom eating
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Therapy and support tailored to your specific needs
  • Increase your desire to exercise
  • Thyroid & Metabolism Repair Healthy Eating Program designed by naturopath Hayden Keys
  • 3 MP3 recordings (a different MP3 for each session)

Number of sessions: 3

Option 2.
Hypnotic Lap-Band Think Slim Eat Slim Be Slim Program

Incorporates everything in Basic but steps things up a level in terms of really putting a lid on how much you eat.

In this option you also get a ‘Hypnotic Lap-Band’!

As I mentioned earlier a Hypnotic Lap-Band is like a surgical Lap-Band in that it makes you full after you only eat a small amount of food. But a Hypnotic Lap-Band comes without the invasiveness, danger and long term downsides (vomiting after meals, the feeling of food getting stuck, difficulty eating meats etc) of surgical Lap-Bands.

Hypnotic Lap-Banding is non-invasive and painless because it’s not ‘real’ but your unconscious mind thinks it’s real.

The Hypnotic Lap-Band Think Slim Eat Slim Be Slim Program works to provide the following benefits:

  • Portion controlGastric Band
  • Break cravings for high calorie fattening foods
  • Feel satisfied for longer
  • Reduced snacking
  • Eliminate emotional eating
  • Do away with boredom eating
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Increase your desire to exercise
  • Therapy and support tailored to your specific needs
  • Thyroid & Metabolism Repair Healthy Eating Program designed by naturopath Hayden Keys
  • 4 MP3 recordings (a different MP3 for each session)
  • Use of the famous Hypnotic Lap-Band. This hypnotherapy process tricks your mind into believing that you have undergone lap-band surgery. People report AMAZING results from this type of hypnosis.

Number of sessions: 4

Option 3.
Total Think Slim Eat Slim Be Slim Program

The Total option is for if you if you know that besides needing to control what you eat and how much you eat you know that much of your eating and weight problems stem from deeper emotional issues.

You might have been bullied or constantly critisised as a child or adult. You might have suffered some form of abuse. Or you might have been made to feel unworthy or unloved by people close to you.

The problem with these emotional traumas is that they leave deep held hurt in your body and unconscious mind which triggers your self-sabotage.

So in the Total program I use all my powerful hypnotherapy processes from the Basic and Hypnotic Lap-Band programs plus I use my specialised ‘Be Free Be Happy Now’ process to extinguish the emotions that cause you to self-sabotage and emotionally eat.

The Total Think Slim Eat Slim Be Slim Program works to provide the following benefits:

  • Pulls the teeth out of the guilt and anxiety that triggers you to emotionally eat and self-sabotage. Over two sessions I free you from anxiety, guilt, worry and lack of self-control using my powerful ‘Be Free Be Happy Now’ hypnotherapy process. It empowers you to be the master of how you dream your figure to be
  • Portion controlBinge Eating
  • Breaking of cravings for high calorie fattening foods
  • Feel satisfied for longer
  • Reduced snacking
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Increase your desire to exercise
  • Therapy and support tailored to your specific needs
  • Thyroid & Metabolism Repair Healthy Eating Program designed by naturopath Hayden Keys
  • 6 MP3 recordings (a different MP3 for each session)
  • Use of the famous gastric-band surgery hypnosis. This hypnotherapy process tricks your mind into believing that you have undergone gastric-band surgery.  People report AMAZING results from this type of hypnosis.

Number of sessions: 6

Unsure which program to choose?
FREE 20 minute Think Slim… Eat Slim… Be Slim
Assessment Consultation

To discover which Think Slim… Eat Slim… Be Slim option suits you call me today on 9524 2471 to claim your FREE 20 minute assessment consultation. This consultation allows me to pinpoint the issues that have caused your weight loss efforts to fail in the past and the best way to eliminate them. This way we can make sure you pick the program that suits you.

*Weight Loss happens by controlling your diet and undertaking appropriate exercise.  Hypnosis assists your weight loss by making it easier to stick to your dietary program and by increasing your motivation to exercise.