Female hormonal acne isn’t just an issue for teenagers. Surprisingly just as many young women in their 20’s experience female hormonal acne as teenagers (up to 80%). And although acne isn’t a life-threatening condition, it can be a life-ruining. Every day in my office I see young women whose acne issues are ruling their lives. They tell me they feel …
Why Topical Treatments Don’t Fix Hormonal Acne
If you suffer from hormonal acne, then no doubt you’ve tried countless topical treatments in an effort to clear your skin. But what you found was that they might have helped reduce your acne a bit, but nowhere near enough to make your skin pimple free. So, in this blog post, you’re going to discover why topical treatments don’t fix …
The Best Hormonal Acne Supplements To Take Before You Stop The Birth Control Pill
If you’ve tried coming off the birth control before you might have experienced a massive flare-up in hormonal acne. Or if you’re thinking about stopping the birth control pill you might be worried you’re going to break out in acne again. But no matter what it is the good news is there are some simple supplements you can take …
How Hormone Testing Can Identify What Supplements You Need
If you have hormonal acne, I’m sure you’ve already taken some supplements. You might be or have been taking Vitex/chaste tree, zinc, DIM, probiotics, evening primrose oil, a hair, skin, and nails formula, a liver detox formula, or a host of other supplements. But can I ask you… Why did you choose those supplements? Was it because a friend told …
Why Testing Your Hormones Is Critical If You Want To Eliminate Hormonal Acne
It always puzzles me how doctors (GPs, dermatologists and gynecologists) give young women hormonal acne treatments without ever testing to see what their hormone levels are. So today I’m going to go through with you why it’s so important to get your hormones tested if you want to eliminate your hormonal acne for good. It seems pretty straightforward to me …
Where do you start when you’ve got hormonal acne?
If you suffer with hormonal acne you’re probably wondering where do you start when you want to get rid of it? Being a specialist in the natural treatment of hormonal acne I’m going to walk you through where you start and what are your options are. Step 1. The first step is to consider your options, and there are two …