Is period pain normal?

It can be difficult to determine if your period pain is ‘normal’ because we are taught to expect some level of discomfort when it comes to our menstrual cycles. I speak to so many people who are putting up with severe period pain because they think it’s normal or there is nothing that they can do to reduce it, so …

5 Triggers that Cause Hormonal Acne in Women and Strategies to Reduce it

Introduction to Hormonal Acne Hormonal acne can be a confusing and debilitating problem, and for the majority of people, it can be difficult to figure out on your own! Characterised by cystic, deep pimples located around the chin, jaw, and face, this is typically caused by an imbalance in your reproductive and stress hormones that leads to an overproduction of …

Keeping a balanced plate

In a balanced plate, we need to include fibre, carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Fibre is important to support regular bowel movements, prevent colon cancer and feed your beneficial gut bacteria species so that they produce things like short-chain fatty acids and anti-inflammatory compounds. Protein is an essential nutrient made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks for …

How to make sure you are eating enough protein

The recommended daily protein intake can vary depending on factors such as age, sex, weight, physical activity level, and overall health. However, a general guideline for healthy adults is: Sedentary adults should aim for 0.8gms per kg of body weight Moderately active adults should aim for 1.2gms per kg of body weight Highly active adults should aim for 1.4gms per …

Antibiotic protocol

Protecting your gut bacteria during antibiotic use When you need to take antibiotics for an infection or health condition, it can reduce the amount of beneficial bacteria you have in your gut microbiome. Some types of antibiotics can also cause side effects such as diarrhea or stomach pain. To prevent this, it’s wise to take a probiotic alongside antibiotic use. …

Magnesium citrate for constipation

Magnesium citrate is an osmotic laxative, which means it draws water into the bowels to soften stools and stimulate bowel movements. Here is a how-to guide for using Magnesium citrate to relieve constipation: Start with the lowest dosage of 200mg. The therapeutic dosage is between 200-400mg of magnesium citrate, but a higher dose is not always necessary. Take the magnesium …

Zone 2 Exercise

Zone 2 exercise is low-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardio. Zone 2 typically corresponds to around 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. This range may vary slightly depending on individual factors such as age and fitness level. The goal of Zone 2 exercise is to improve aerobic capacity, build endurance, and enhance the body’s ability to utilize fat as a fuel source. …

Why You Get Sugar Cravings & How To Beat Them

Sugar is a no-brainer for most people when it comes to comfort foods. It’s a simple and affordable way to add sweetness, flavour and pleasure to food, which is why it’s so addictive. Once you start eating sugar regularly, your body starts to crave it. This means that you’ll feel an intense desire for sugar even if you don’t have …

Hormonal acne supplements

How Do You Know if Your Acne is Hormonal or Bacterial?

What’s causing my acne? Hormones? Bacteria? Both? Are you frustrated with constantly trying to work out why your acne won’t go away?   If you are then there are 2 possible causes of your acne… bacteria and hormones.  Telltale signs of hormonal acne A telltale sign of a hormonal breakout is it’s located on the lower part of your face …

Woman smiling behind leaf

How to Stop Hormonal Acne Once and For All?

A frustration many acne sufferers experience is the return of their hormonal acne issues once they stop a treatment. This is usually because most hormonal acne treatments are just ‘Band Aid’ solutions. And so because these treatments such as the birth control pill, Accutane and Roaccutane, antibiotics, serums and lotions don’t fix the root cause of hormonal acne: hormone imbalances. …

Flat stones balancing on top of eachother

What Causes Hormonal Acne & What Can You Do?

Acne forms when hormones cause an increase in sebum (oil) production and changes in the pores and skin cells cause the oil to be trapped. So how is this triggered and why is it that some people have hormonal acne and others don’t? Typically hormonal acne is triggered when there is androgen (male hormone) dominance. But the solution is not …